Monday, January 24, 2011

February Meeting

Tuesday, February 15
6:30 pm
Hosted by Awakening Angel

Fall Adventure 2011

DSC04134 Yosemite - Merced River and El Capitan

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good Friends

The Buddha often emphasized the characteristics of a good friend. He spoke about a good friend as one who gives a kind of happiness based on knowing our interconnectedness, and that learning to be a friend to ourselves and being one to others is really the same thing.
He spoke about a good friend, or a true friend, as being someone who is a helper, who will protect us when we are taken unawares, when we are surprised by life in some way. This person will be a refuge to us when we afraid. He spoke about a good friend as someone who is constant in our time of happiness and in our times of adversity or sorrow, someone who will not forsake us when we’re in trouble. And as someone who will tell us their secrets and will not betray our secrets to others, and at the same time will be completely honest with us and warn us if they think we are heading off towards danger.

When we have such a friend we have a gift beyond measure.

Friday, January 14, 2011

February 2011 Book Selection - Cutting for Stone

Abraham Verghese

New York Times book review here.