Sunday, March 1, 2009

Santa Fe and Big Balloons

To recap our discussion at Lalitha's - We have dates (Thursday October 1st through Sunday October 4th).  We have the destination (Santa Fe), flying into Albuquerque, which is a bit over an hour away from Santa Fe.  We need to settle on accommodations quickly, especially since the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta will be on while we are there (it runs from Saturday October 3rd through Sunday October 11th).  

Notes on the Balloon Fiesta:
The balloon events are either early morning  or early evening events.  By early morning I mean recommended arrival time at the event is 5:30AM!  I think this is out of the question, particularly since Santa Fe is more than an hour drive to Alb.  The better option might be the evening events, which sound lovely anyway (lighted glowing balloons followed by fireworks). Recommended arrival at the park for evening events is 4:00PM.  I checked flights on Sunday and confirmed that there are no late night return flights that would allow us to see the Sunday evening balloons and still fly out that night.  That limits us to the Saturday evening show (opening day).  That's a lot of to-and-fro (Alb to Santa Fe on Thursday arrival, Santa Fe/Alb roundtrip on Saturday for the balloons, Santa Fe to Alb for return flights on Sunday), so I wanted to gauge people's interest in the balloons.  If not everyone is interested in seeing them, I would consider spending Thursday to Sunday in Santa Fe, going to the Sunday evening balloon event & spending Sunday night at an airport hotel in Alb,  flying home Monday morning ( or later in the day if there is stuff to see in Alb).  

Let me know which of the following describes you best:

A)  I really don't care about seeing big balloons and would rather spend Thursday to Sunday chillin' in Santa Fe.
B)  I have a deep desire to see big balloons and don't think it is too strenuous to drive back and forth to Albuquerque on Saturday.
C)  I have a deep desire to see big balloons and would consider adding Sunday night in Albuquerque to make that dream a reality.
D) Both B and C.
E)  I have another suggestion which is (fill in the blank).

Can you tell that I just took my mid-term exam in my Estate Tax Planning course?

1 comment:

Dutchbaby said...

I would love to see the balloons. I like the idea of flying out Monday morning. I would give up Thursday to do it.

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