Well it's Saturday morning and I am decompressing from a hectic week, decided to post a liitle entry as I don't need my gmail account (thank you Dutchbaby). Thought I'd share my recipe for the new stress diet.
First you sign up for a conference to present your company (Travel Innovation Summit), then you realize you are the smallest and probably worst funded company and a mere ant on the landscape of travel industry providers, then you stop eating, spend a few days in a frenzy of preparation to appear larger than life (or at least, larger than you are) and then you spend the whole week hobbling around in suits n heels n spanx making connections and presentations skipping dinner in favor of a cocktail then fly home exhausted but exhilarated after a heady and productive week.
Net loss: 5 pounds. Try it, it works (actually, don't)
Look forward to seeing everyone.