Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Greetings from Treasurehunter !
Can someone fill me on on the date, time and location of the next meeting?
(Maybe until we are all pros at posting we should conduct official business via email?)
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sonoma Mission Inn
Hi....a friend of mine is going to Sonoma Mission Inn this week, it sounds lovely, has anyone been there? Or anywhere up there that would be a good place for us? Funky would be fun, too........
Posted by dutchbaby on behalf of Angel in Love while she's working out some technical details on getting authorship on this blog.
Old School by Tobias Wolff
This month's book choice by Entrepreneur Angel is Old School by Tobias Wolff.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Testing, Testing
I am a blog virgin, so this is a very timid toe in the water. Wow! This will be very useful Diana!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Start Spreading the News
My daughter will be taking a three-week photography class in New York this summer. Even though she will be living in a dorm, given her young age, I decided that I wanted to be in The City during this time. I reserved a small, two-bedroom apartment from July 7th through July 25th. It is on the Upper West Side, on 89th Street, one block from Central Park. My son will be with me for one to two weeks, depending upon his summer camp plans. Put on your vagabond shoes, crash at my pied-à-terre, stop by for a martini, or should I say a ... Manhattan.
You'll want to be a part of it, New York, New York!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Our Fall Adventure
As you all know, one of the angels of this group agreed to plan our next adventure. THANK YOU, Antique-Lover Angel! Here's an excerpt of her initial grand plan:
"Ideally there would be three options to pursue and I am willing to take on the job of exploring edited options. Most important to me is picking an option that EVERYONE will or can attend.
So far we seem to agree that:
1. The idea of another trip seems to be a yes for all.
2. Fall (October) is a good time to travel.
3. Long weekend is good.
4. Places suggested:
(If I left some suggestions off, just throw them back in.)
Places we can fly to:
"Ideally there would be three options to pursue and I am willing to take on the job of exploring edited options. Most important to me is picking an option that EVERYONE will or can attend.
So far we seem to agree that:
1. The idea of another trip seems to be a yes for all.
2. Fall (October) is a good time to travel.
3. Long weekend is good.
4. Places suggested:
(If I left some suggestions off, just throw them back in.)
Places we can fly to:
- San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (beautiful but hard to get to)
- Las Vegas
- New York (fun, fun, fun, but may be expensive; planning WAY ahead will save money. We can fly Jet Blue and rent efficiency apartments.)
- Spa in Mexico (The one that requires a week long stay.)
Places we can drive to:
- Carmel (suggested by Dakotan Angel)
- Santa Barbara (spa potential)
- Yosemite/Utah (suggested by Entrepreneur Angel, aka Germaphobe Angel)
- Point Reyes/Olema/Petaluma (I can probably arrange a tour of the Cowgirl Creamery --
- Sea Ranch
- Seascape
- Cruise to Baja (suggested by Angel in Love)
- Napa (Group cooking class, wine) "
The group appears to be leaning towards a place we can drive to and unfortunately Graphic Artist Angel is, at this time, unable to go. We are hoping that circumstances will change for you, Graphic Artist Angel, and that you will be able to join us!
Please feel free to comment on these and please feel free to use your own pseudonymns!
Welcome to our new blog!
In my continual effort to make things simpler, I thought we could try a blog for our group. I know I wished we had a blog those last few frantic days when I was trying to tie up all the loose ends for our New Orleans trip and I bet all of you would have appreciated not having your inbox inundated with hundreds of crossed messages.
I hope I set enough limits to the blog settings so that this is a private blog, where viewers are by invitation only and where all nine of us have authoring privileges.